The Chemist / La Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro

Sandro was born in Venice in 1948. In the late 1920s his father together with his uncle founded a glass factory later named V.A.M.S.A (Vetreria Artistica Muranese S.A.).

The idea was to generate new ideas in the artistic field of manual glass production alongside traditional style handmade objects. His father could build enough request to attract figureheads like Alfredo Barbini (1912 – 2007) or Ermenegildo Ripa (1900 – 1973).

Innovation was driven by the desire to develop new production methods and techniques. Therefore, it also engaged art professors to enhance the designs for tableware and lighting. Although the activities of the factory were scaled-back after 1945 the family went on and now Sandro’s children have assumed the task.

Sandro graduated in 1973 in chemistry from the University of Padova and joined the Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro (SSV) in 1976 where he spent all of his career. La SSV started as a public entity set up to assist glass production in Murano. Experts engage in all stages of the production process regarding artistic and foremost production of industrial glass.

The field of consultation covers the analysis of the characteristics and the optimization of the composition of the raw material that is used in the preparation of the vitrifiable mix and the verification of the quality of the final product. Thereby also evaluating the efficiency of the furnaces namely with regard to eliminating impurities and verifying the emissions released to the environment.

Training of new personnel is another important field. In the beginning factories were sceptical and feared to reveal too much of their know-how. It took some time to establish reciprocal trust. Sandro also refers to the drain associated with the lack of interest in the glass production business by the young generation. Further impediments concern environmental issues, the sewage treatment, the use and management of the raw material – especially with regard to toxic chemicals.

Also, very relevant for the future of the industry is the presentation of the brand on an international level. Unfortunately, the formal education process needs new efforts especially at the universities in Venice to promote scientific, technical and artistic classes.

The future also lies within the capacity to reduce supply costs, enhance the use of energy and reduce the extent of products being scrapped during the production process.

SSV – Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro website

Extensive list of published scientific papers by Sandro Hreglich